

以下我們整理了最多人詢問的 5 個關於預約的Q&A,方便您進一步了解關於預約的注意事項。



如您對按摩師性別及單 / 雙人房型有特別的要求,請於預約時告知我們的工作人員,我們會盡量依據您的需求來安排,然而因每日預約按摩的情況不定,恕無法百分之百保證可以指定按摩技師性別及安排單 / 雙人房,尚請見諒。

因每日預約情況不定,請在您的預約時間至少 1 小時前到達東方匯,讓我們的服務人員有足夠的時間協助您辦理入場手續。


歡迎致電 905-261-7777 與我們聯繫,我們將很樂意回答您的所有問題!

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Notice of Waiver

Dear all valuable guest,

We would like to inform you of a new requirement that ensures the safety and security of everyone involved.

Due to the nature of our facilities, we now require all guests to sign a waiver before entering. The waiver is designed to outline potential risks and responsibilities and to protect both parties involved. Your safety and the safety of others are of the utmost importance to us, and this waiver is a part of our commitment to ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience and environment.

We kindly request that you review and sign the waiver form on our tablet during your check-in. Please make sure to read it carefully.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the waiver or need further information, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Thank you for choosing GoPlace, and we wish you have a pleasant stay.
