


天氣寒冷大家健身運動相對減少,新陳代謝變慢,體內容易囤積脂肪的同時,也會積聚很多毒素。這個時候不妨來汗蒸一下,既能解壓放鬆身,也有強身健體的功效! 「GO PLACE 東方匯」不同的主題功能的汗蒸房針對身體有著不同的療效,這個季節最推薦大家的就是「火山石」房,驅散體內寒氣,提高免疫力,讓你元氣滿滿!



在多倫多天寒地凍的日子裡,汗蒸絕對是最佳休閒娛樂的活動,除了不同功能的汗蒸房,在「GO PLACE 東方匯」你可以享受到配套完善的豪華按摩浴池、桑拿理療、美容沙龍、健身中心、VIP會議室、休閒區和餐飲區等,完全可以遠離城市喧囂在這裡放鬆一整天!

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Notice of Waiver

Dear all valuable guest,

We would like to inform you of a new requirement that ensures the safety and security of everyone involved.

Due to the nature of our facilities, we now require all guests to sign a waiver before entering. The waiver is designed to outline potential risks and responsibilities and to protect both parties involved. Your safety and the safety of others are of the utmost importance to us, and this waiver is a part of our commitment to ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience and environment.

We kindly request that you review and sign the waiver form on our tablet during your check-in. Please make sure to read it carefully.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the waiver or need further information, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Thank you for choosing GoPlace, and we wish you have a pleasant stay.
