
辛苦了一年,想要有一個片刻可以全身心屬於自己,卸下包袱,想要給身體充電加油,那麼我們 Go Place 一定是最佳的選擇。在這裡你可美化容顏、健美體形、修心養生,感受花草雨露的滋潤和美療師溫柔手法的呵護。保證讓你步出 Go Place 時倦容全消,充滿活力。

坐落於多倫多萬錦市 First Markham Place,由龍珠集團傾情打造的五星級水療休閒會所「GO PLACE 東方匯」現已開幕試營業中!會所佔地超過6萬8千平方英尺,在這寬敞自由的空間裡,你可以完完全全享受到配套完善的豪華按摩浴池、桑拿理療、美容沙龍、健身中心、VIP會議室、休閒區和餐飲區等。

To celebrate our store opening, special discounted admission package and gift cards are available for purchase in store.

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Notice of Waiver

Dear all valuable guest,

We would like to inform you of a new requirement that ensures the safety and security of everyone involved.

Due to the nature of our facilities, we now require all guests to sign a waiver before entering. The waiver is designed to outline potential risks and responsibilities and to protect both parties involved. Your safety and the safety of others are of the utmost importance to us, and this waiver is a part of our commitment to ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience and environment.

We kindly request that you review and sign the waiver form on our tablet during your check-in. Please make sure to read it carefully.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the waiver or need further information, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Thank you for choosing GoPlace, and we wish you have a pleasant stay.
