Get ready for a sizzling summer with our exclusive offer just for students! Whether it’s a refreshing spa day or a relaxing massage, we’ve got you covered! Get $30 OFF* the admission fee! Offer only until Aug 31st!
- Present your PHYSICAL PHOTO ID and valid STUDENT ID to Go Place staff at check-in (*No physical ID no entry.)
- Take a picture in Go Place and publish a post or story on any social media platform AND tag us if you are posting on Instagram or Facebook!
- @goplace_toronto
- @goplacespa
- Show the post to our staff at check-out
Promotion Terms & conditions
- Must be AT LEAST 16 years or older.
- A physical photo ID is required for check-in registration. No physical ID no entry.
- Cannot be combined with other promotions, discounts, and admission package.
- Valid for check-in on WEEKDAYS ONLY, EXCLUDING weekends and holidays.
- Go Place reserves the right to final explanation and decision.